University Concert Series

The Arts and Nature: University Concert Series

The arts and natural beauty across campus are supported, in part, by the MU Concert Series. Accessible to students and visiting members of the public, the MU Concert Series enriches the campus and broader Columbia community through educational opportunities and experiences that inspire and delight. It brings the world of Mizzou to life as performances of the University Concert Series support and realize the worlds within us.

University Concert Series

The University Concert Series enhances the community for university students and mid-Missourians alike through diverse performances and outreach to local schools. From ballet to Broadway shows, and children’s theatre to symphonies and smaller ensembles, your contribution keeps the Missouri Theatre and Jesse Auditorium a hive of activity, providing access to the arts, enhancing educational experiences and inspiring creativity.

Social Media Challenge!
Earn some extra funds for your favorite school, college or unit on campus! On Mizzou Giving Day, visit to cast your vote. The three groups with the highest number of reactions to their photo at noon CT on Thursday, March 13, will unlock additional funds!
Don't forget to share!

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