Missouri Scholars Academy

Missouri Scholars Academy

Celebrating 40 Years of Magic!

40 Years of MagicMSA has been changing lives since 1985, but we need your help to keep the MSA magic alive and affordable for gifted students across the state. For the past four decades, MSA has provided academically gifted high school students with a transformative experience that nurtures their intellectual growth, creativity, and interpersonal skills.

Celebrating 40 Years of Magic // Missouri Scholars Academy

Primarily funded by a grant from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Missouri State Legislature, the program has experienced financial uncertainty during the past decade. Alumni philanthropic support demonstrates to these other funding decision-makers the decades-long value and impact of the program. Would you consider a gift of $40—or more—to help fund a student’s MSA experience?

As we commemorate MSA’s 40th anniversary, we look forward to another 40 years of inspiring and empowering future generations of Missouri’s brightest minds. Thank you for your support!

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Double Your Impact with the Missouri Scholars Academy!
Double Your Impact with the Missouri Scholars Academy!
Thanks to the generosity of Barbara Buenemann, BHS ’82, gifts to the Missouri Scholars Academy will be matched up to $500. Gifts of any amount to the fund made online between now and noon CT on Thursday, March 13, will count toward this challenge, up to a total match donation of $500.
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CAFNR Faculty & Staff Challenge
CAFNR Faculty & Staff Challenge
CAFNR faculty and staff, this is your chance to be recognized for giving back! Make a gift during Mizzou Giving Day and you could be selected for a $20 gift certificate to one of our CAFNR services — Buck’s Ice Cream, Tiger Garden or Mizzou Meat Market. One certificate for each service will be awarded at random; make sure to note your faculty/staff status when completing your donation to qualify for the drawing.
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Social Media Challenge!
Social Media Challenge!
Earn some extra funds for your favorite school, college or unit on campus! On Mizzou Giving Day, visit Facebook.com/Mizzou to cast your vote. The three groups with the highest number of reactions to their photo at noon CT on Thursday, March 13, will unlock additional funds!
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4-H Alumni Challenge - Be Part of the 4-H Crew!
4-H Alumni Challenge - Be Part of the 4-H Crew!
Attention, Missouri 4-H alumni: join the 4-H Crew with your very own 4-H crew socks! Indicate that you're a 4-H alum when making your gift online and you'll be entered to win one of five pairs of branded socks. Gifts made to any fund before noon on Thursday, March 13 will qualify you for this challenge.
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Or you can contact us at givingday@missouri.edu.

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Match your Gift dollar for dollar!