Mizzou Botanic Garden

Inspired by Nature: Mizzou Botanic Garden

Designated as Mizzou Botanic Garden in 1999, nature’s beauty is evident across the University of Missouri campus. Designed and maintained to inspire, delight and inform all who walk the campus — from students and alumni to members of the public — the Garden serves as a living laboratory that invites an appreciation and understanding of the natural world.

Mizzou Botanic Garden Celebrates 25 Years

Your gift of $25 or more will qualify you for a 2025 membership in the Friends of the Mizzou Botanic Garden and will support the Garden’s educational programming, events, tours and its signature event, the annual Jacquelyn K. Jones lecture. A gift of $1,000 will earn you a lifetime membership.

Your membership includes Mizzou Botanic Garden’s electronic newsletter, The Leaflet, keeping you informed about Garden progress and offerings. Plus, explore gardens across North America with free or discounted admission at over 360 locations through the American Horticultural Society’s Reciprocal Admissions Program. (Some restrictions apply.)

To learn more about Mizzou Botanic Garden, visit the website at garden.missouri.edu.

Social Media Challenge!
Earn some extra funds for your favorite school, college or unit on campus! On Mizzou Giving Day, visit Facebook.com/Mizzou to cast your vote. The three groups with the highest number of reactions to their photo at noon CT on Thursday, March 13, will unlock additional funds!
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Or you can contact us at givingday@missouri.edu.